
Emulsion Sealcoating

Asphalt Emulsion sealcoating is a vital part of any maintenance program. The end result is a surface that is black in color as opposed to a cover aggregate as used in the chip seal process. The process begins with an evaluation of the current asphalt. Any repairs such as patching and crackfilling must be made prior to the Sealcoating process. Once patching and/or cracksealing has been completed the area will be swept clean as well as blowing the surface with industrial blowers to guarantee the surface is free of dust and dirt. There are many variations of application rates, sand loads, and number of coats depending on the given project. During the bidding process we will provide the customer with details regarding what we recommend that will best suit the given situation. After a 24 hour curing period the parking area may be striped.

Providing Quality Emulsion Sealcoating for over 55 years.